City Edges, Greene Street, SoHo

The City Edges

There are many places in the city where you can stand and realize that you’re already looking back at history – where in a couple years everything will look, and be, completely different.

Occasionally you find yourself in a spot on the edge, where the stark difference can be easily caught on camera. This spot on Greene street is one of those places. To the left is a line of gorgeous and pristine cast-iron buildings, as clean as Disneyland. To the right is the rusted SoHo of old.

I do find it interesting, the spot the woman felt most comfortable to sit and relax.

City Edges, Greene Street, SoHo
Greene Street, SoHo

The edges that you see can come in many forms, including a man dressed in anarchist clothing, staring at an iPhone and sitting in front of a Starbucks, camouflaged in black.

City Edges, Anarchist, Starbucks, East Village
Starbucks, East Village

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