Downtown New York, 2-Day Workshop Registration:

Sat + Sun, Oct 19th+20th, 2024

(Sold Out)

Smiley Face, SoHo, 2015.


*This is a tentative schedule.

The schedule below may change to take advantage of the best weather. A full schedule and workshop details will be emailed to participants closer to the workshop date.

Saturday (Oct 19th): Beginning around 10am, we will meet for a 1.5-hour introductory street photography presentation. I will provide Russ & Daughters bagels/bialy sandwiches for everyone (based on your preferences), and then we will head through Nolita, explore SoHo, the heart of my HYPE project, and up to Washington Square Park as we explore the hype and fashion culture, old alleyways, and a variety of creative corners. At the end of the day, we will stop for conversation, drinks, and food for anyone who wants to stay.

Sunday (Oct 20th): Beginning at 10am, this day will be spent exploring the Lower East Side and Chinatown, the heart of old downtown New York with a massive variety of subjects to cover. We will also spend an hour (but not longer) exploring the International Center for Photography Museum, in the heart of the LES. By far my favorite photography gallery and museum in the city, before heading on to shoot for the rest of the day.

Post-workshop: A few weeks to a month after the workshop, everyone will submit their favorite 15 photographs from the workshop and I will share a presentation of them all.


Confirmation: Confirmation and payment info will be sent soon after registration. A registration is not confirmed until payment is complete.

Where: Unless noted otherwise, the seminar space is located at the Houston Street Center, University Settlement, 273 Bowery, New York, NY 10002. It is recommended to stay near the seminar space in SoHo, Nolita, Little Italy, East Village, Lower East Side, or Chinatown.

Equipment: As the workshop will include a lot of walking, comfortable shoes and traveling light is recommend whenever possible. Tripods and laptops are not necessary. Extra batteries are highly recommended.

Price: $850

Size: 10 people.

Email James if you have any schedule or equipment-related questions.

100 Greene Street, SoHo



“I’ve just finished a fabulous two-day street photography workshop in NYC with James Maher. Hard to beat the experience of following James on a shooting-walking tour of lower Manhattan through a dozen or so diverse neighborhoods, each with different visual stimuli, changing light, cultural histories — and countless possibilities for photographing people and architecture! James began Saturday morning with a 1 1/2 hour presentation on ethical and technical aspects of street photography. Wanting to normalize our fears about intruding into the space of our subjects, he described how he thinks and works, generally moving slowly with his camera chest-high and ready, taking pictures initially ‘with his eyes.’ At other times, he might pick an unobtrusive spot where he waits for the subject to enter his field of view.

Following this preparation, we hit the streets, going first to a busy intersection where we could not lack for stimulation. Throughout the day, as we moved slowly in and out of different areas of the city, James worked his way among us, responding to our varying degrees of experience with photography and with street photography in particular. Often, he encouraged us to find a good location where we, too, could wait for the subject to come to us. Occasionally, he gave particular challenges to those who were ready.

By the end of Saturday, I began to feel more comfortable putting people into my pictures and had some ideas about how and how not to do it. On Sunday morning, however, before we again went into the streets, James took us to another level of appreciation — artistry and composition — via a slide presentation of the work of the great street photographers (beginning with Cartier-Bresson).

Throughout, James was a generous and gentle instructor, comfortably smart about what he knows. His individualized instruction was just what I needed and to the point. I cannot wait for more! Meanwhile, I’ll dig more deeply into his thoughtfully written e-books, along with the books of street photographers he recommended.”

– Sandra Ullmann

Read more reviews here.

Signup Form:

"*" indicates required fields

Weekend Workshop*
(Paypal payment form will be emailed after registration.)


Terms and Conditions *Please read and accept*

All registrations are accepted in the order received. Early registration is strongly suggested as there are limited spaces available. Registration is confirmed after full payment is received.

Eligibility: Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entire workshop.

Included: Instruction by James Maher and use of a conference room and projection.

Not included: Meals, drinks, and hotel accommodations.

Payment, cancellation and refunds: To reserve a spot on the NYC photo workshop, full payment is required upon registration. If you are unable or choose not to attend the NYC photo workshop after your registration the following refund schedule will apply:

90 or more days prior to the beginning of the workshop: 100% refund less a $100 administrative fee. Less than 90 days prior to the workshop: no refund unless you or James Maher Photography can find someone to take your spot. The $100 fee will still apply.

Notification by phone or email is acceptable and must be followed with a written notice. To cancel your registration and receive a refund, email [email protected]

In the event that you choose to leave a workshop in progress, for any reason, you will not be entitled to a refund. We reserve the right to cancel a workshop because of inadequate number of participants making the workshop economically infeasible to operate. In the event that a workshop is cancelled prior to departure, you will receive full refund of the cost of the workshop.

In the event that a workshop is cancelled, James Maher Photography shall not be responsible for participants’ travel expenses, including but not limited to costs of airline tickets, hotel accommodations and meals.

Travel insurance: For your protection, purchase of refundable airline tickets and travel insurance are strongly recommended.

Responsibility / Limitations of Liability:

James Maher Photography will provide education during photo workshops and tours.

Other providers who may participate in the workshop are solely responsible and liable for providing their respective services. James Maher Photography shall not be held responsible for (A) any damage to, or loss of, property or injury to, or death of, persons occasioned directly or indirectly by an act or omission of any other provider, and (B) any loss or damage due to delay, cancellation, or disruption in any manner caused by the laws, regulations, acts or failures to act, demands, orders, or interpositions of any government, or by acts of nature, strikes, fire, flood, war, terrorism, sickness, theft, or any other cause(s) beyond their control.

The participant waives any claim against James Maher Photography, James Maher and James Maher Photography’s staff, officers, agents, volunteers and affiliates, from any and all claims and causes of action that he/she may have against any of these entities or persons due to damage, theft, loss, accident, negligence, illness, bodily injury, death or other consequences that he/she may suffer as a result of, or in any manner connected with, directly or indirectly, his/her participation in this James Maher Photography Workshop.

James Maher Photography reserves the right in its sole discretion to accept, decline to accept, or remove any participant on any photo workshop. James Maher Photography, reserves the right, without penalty, to make changes in the itinerary whenever, in its judgment, conditions warrant, or if deemed necessary for the comfort, convenience, or safety of participants. Participants assume the responsibility to select an activity appropriate to their physical abilities and interests. Participants are personally responsible for being in sufficiently good health to undertake the activity.

Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this agreement or the performance thereunder, including without limitation any claim related to illness, injury, or death, shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. Furthermore, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement or the performance thereunder shall be brought in the Supreme Court, State of New York, County of Kings, or Civil Court, County of Kings if Supreme Court does not have jurisdiction. This agreement to litigate any claims in the Courts of the State of New York, County of Kings, does not waive or modify the liability release contained in the foregoing paragraphs.

I have carefully read and understand the James Maher Photography Terms and Conditions. I have familiarized myself with all the information provided to me about this workshop, and I agree to all stated conditions set forth in the Terms and Conditions. I have also carefully read and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. I understand that it is a release of liability and a contract between myself and James Maher Photography, and/or its contracted tour operators or affiliated organizations, and I sign this agreement of my own free will. This agreement is binding on my heirs, legal representatives and assigns.

Terms and Conditions*

Consent and Waiver Form *Please read and accept*

I declare that my participation in this photo walk is entirely, expressly and willingly voluntary;

I declare I am healthy, physically able and/or my physician has allowed me to participate in this photo walk;

I declare I have dressed appropriately for an outdoor, urban photo walk and forecasted weather conditions, and have taken the desired and necessary precautions for my clothing, accessories, equipment and other belongings, in preparation for my participation in this photo walk;

I understand and willingly accept that walking in a busy metropolitan area has inherent risks and requires awareness and responsibility on my part;

I have been informed and willingly accept that portions of this photo walk may include walking in areas without sidewalks, crossing streets and/or walking through areas which are off-the-beaten path;

I understand and accept that, should I venture off on my own and separate from the photo walk group, I am on my own, assume my own risk, and acknowledge that I will no longer be considered a participant of this James Maher Photography Workshop.

Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this agreement or the performance thereunder, including without limitation any claim related to illness, injury, or death, shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. Furthermore, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement or the performance thereunder shall be brought in the Supreme Court, State of New York, County of Kings, or Civil Court, County of Kings if Supreme Court does not have jurisdiction. This agreement to litigate any claims in the Courts of the State of New York, County of Kings, does not waive or modify the liability release contained in the foregoing paragraphs.

I have read this Consent and Waiver Form fully and understand its contents. By accepting these terms, I hold James Maher Photography, James Maher and its staff, officers, agents, volunteers and affiliates harmless, from any and all claims and causes of action that I may have against any of these entities or persons due to damage, theft, loss, accident, negligence, illness, bodily injury, death or other consequences that I may suffer as a result of, or in any manner connected with, directly or indirectly, my participation in this James Maher Photography Workshop.

Consent and Waiver Form*


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